
Over the years we have developed elaborate tools to organize a successful mentoring program for MEWEM in the Music Business. Various documents and advisory videos can be found in our hub. We would like to share this expertise with you, developed with the support of European funding.

Video Tutorials
Tips for future project leaders, coordinators, or mentors: the videos come from MEWEM Europa partners, coordinators, and mentors of the different programs
A toolbox with templates and a methodology that we have been working on for years (application questionnaire, mentor’s guide, agreement document for the pair…)

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Study: The Role of Mentoring

Within the music sector and the world of entrepreneurship, gendered barriers make it difficult for both female music professionals and entrepreneurs to develop their careers, inflicting a double penalty: in addition to the difficulties encountered in a male-dominated music world, female entrepreneurs face challenges in creating their professional projects. In the face of these difficulties, participation in the MEWEM Europa program appears to be an indispensable opportunity to be accompanied by women who share the same experiences and who are invaluable for their career development.  This report proposes to highlight the impact of mentoring on the career paths of the participants in the MEWEM Europa program.

Livre Blanc

Destiné aux institutions et organisations engagées dans la lutte contre la sous-représentation des femmes dans l'industrie musicale, ce livre blanc vise à ouvrir le dialogue. MEWEM Europa est le premier programme de mentorat pour les femmes dans la musique et à pour ambition à se développer partout en Europe. Toute l'équipe est prête à se mobiliser pour accompagner de nouveaux partenaires dans la transposition du programme.

Relevant Studies and Resources per Country