Clothilde Chalot
NoMadPlay / NoMadMusic

A tireless entrepreneur, she is co-founder and CEO of NoMadMusic / NomadPlay, Treasurer of FELIN and a member of the CNM board.
Clothilde feeds NomadPlay daily with her strategic expertise in the development and management of cultural projects.
Her 360° experience of the music sector and her remarkable background are regularly called upon for conferences on musictech and entrepreneurship.
In 2020, she won the “business with attitude” award from Mme Figaro and was selected #femmesdeculture among 100 women!
Jihane Laoui

25 years old and a recent graduate of ESCP Europe, Jihane has already built up a wealth of experience in the music industry. Her professional experiences have allowed her to cover the whole range of her professions: from artist management to synchro, through digital distribution and media management consulting.
Jihan observes and asks herself a lot of questions, she likes to confront problems and imagine solutions, rethink ways of working. This is how Peach came to be, a B2B platform project aiming to facilitate the transmission of information between digital distribution players.