Alina Manole & Alesia-Alexandra Pandele


Alina Manole

Sociologist, songwriter and music producer, writer, entrepreneur – Alina Manole is an elegant presence on the Romanian showbiz and she is the inventor of the most beautiful musical planet: ”the Square Moon”.

Before becoming a brand, ”the Square Moon” was her song and album. In 12 years, it became a solid musical career, a musical record company, an event company and a consulting agency in the HR and social communication field.

As an artist, Alina Manole released until now 7 musical albums, 2 books, received awards from prestigious Romanian media institutions and has a big, special, intelligent community of fans.


Alesia-Alexandra Pandele

Alesia is a recent addition to the iaBilet team, with an experience of about a year and a half, and keeps the enthusiasm at its highest. She has been collaborating with BestMusic Live for about 4 years and is always by the stage, either behind her or in front of the audience.

She is the project manager for the new online event platform vStage, a project that brought music with people during the pandemic, even virtually.

The most recent dream she has started with is the musical project The Nobodies, a punk-rock / grunge project started during the pandemic and which is looking forward to its place on the local scene.