Silvana Battisti & Christina Rommel


Silvana Battisti
Silvana startet her musical carreer as singer and musician of German band Woog Riots. in 2004 she compiled and curated an international tribute sampler dedicated to Manchester’s indie icons “The Fall” together with her band mates. Silvana manages all band related businesses as booking, label contact and general networking along with composing and playing live shows. Woog Riots electro flavoured three minute songs cover various phenomena of culture, pop and politics. Promotional tours to the USA, Japan, Great Britain and several countries in Europe have been greeted with zealous reactions and a steady growth of followers on the underground network. ‘From LoFi to Disco!’. not only perfectly describes the building blocks of Woog Riots’ musical world, but also supplies the name of the Independent label launched in 2013. It is run by her and her husband Marc Herbert, also member of the duo Woog Riots. Executed with much drive and energy the label is specialized in releasing danceable electro indie, electro pop and music of like-minded friends.


Christina Rommel